What is this?
This service allows you to quickly test an application's compatibility with the OpenID Connect protocol.
You can find some request examples in LemonLDAP::NG documentation
How to I register my application?
You don't. Simply use the following parameters to configure your application:
- OIDC Metadata URL: https://oidctest.wsweet.org/.well-known/openid-configuration
- Client ID:
- use public if you are using a Javascript or mobile application
- use private if you are using a traditional application installed on a server (*Confidential Client*)
- Client Secret:
- If you are using a Javascript or mobile application, you do not need a client secret.
- use tardis if you have are using a traditional application installed on a server
- Scopes: we provide the following scopes:
- openid: this scope is required, don't forget to configure your application to request it from OIDCTest
- profile: this scope will publish the user's full name in a name attribute
- email: this scope will publish the user's (fake!) email in a email attribute
- roles: this scope will publish a list of user roles in a roles attribute
Can I register my own users?
No(t yet?)
You may use one of the following test users:
Username | Password | Roles |
dwho | dwho | - timelords - users |
rtyler | rtyler | - earthlings - users |
msmith | msmith | - earthlings - users |
Can I read the server logs?
No(t yet?)
Is it free?
Yes! This service is provided by Worteks, an Open Source company.
Worteks is member of the core team developing LemonLDAP::NG free software.